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Niantic partners with Knight Foundation to foster communities in the real world

Play Pokemon GO and make some friends while you're at it
Niantic partners with Knight Foundation to foster communities in the real world
Date Type Companies Involved Size
May 5, 2017 partnership Knight Foundation Niantic Not disclosed

Pokemon GO developer Niantic has partnered with the Knight Foundation to use its games as a means for fostering community and promoting engagement with public spaces.

The partnership will see Niantic's Ingress and Pokemon GO featured at Knight Foundation events. These events focus on getting people to interact with others in public areas in an attempt to build a better community.

The first event to feature Niantic will be held on May 7th in Charlotte, North Carolina as part of Open Streets 704. It will see roads blocked off to cars so that only pedestrians may travel along a 2.5 mile route, which will be filled with PokeStops and Gyms to interact with in Pokemon GO.

Connect with the world

"We founded Niantic to give people the chance to connect with the world around them using technology and games in innovative ways," said John Hanke, CEO of Niantic.

"The partnership with The Knight Foundation is a great forum to explore how technology can drive civic engagement."

Hanke has previously said that he prefers to work in AR because it encourages people to go outside. He also claimed that VR could be a "problem for society" because it is too immersive and keeps people from interacting with others.