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Apple pushes into reality TV with new Apple Music show Planet of the Apps could help you develop your app
Apple pushes into reality TV with new Apple Music show Planet of the Apps

Apple has kicked off the first series of its celebrity-led reality TV show Planet of the Apps.

The show sees app developers pitching their app ideas to a panel of celebrity judges in 60 seconds.

If the judges like the app, the developers are given more time to continue to pitch the app in hopes of a judge taking them on as an advisor.

The panel is made up of Gwyneth Paltrow, Jessica Alba, and Gary Vaynerchuk. The show is hosted by radio presenter Zane Lowe.

'Appy days

The first series of Planet of the Apps will run for ten episodes and is available exclusively through Apple Music. The first episode is available to watch on the show's website for a limited time.

One of the App Stores top games, Candy Crush Saga, is also getting its own gameshow TV series. The first episode is set to air on July 9th 2017.