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Twitch community raises $75 million for charity

2017 has already seen $9.1 million in donations and may surpass 2016 record
Twitch community raises $75 million for charity

Twitch has raised $75 million for charity from people in over 100 countries since 2012.

The games broadcasting service raised a record $25.3 million for charity in 2016. This year is off to a strong start too with the Twitch community having raised $9.1 million so far in 2017 – twice the $4.6 million that was donated by this time in 2016.

Generous donations

Key events that have helped Twitch reach the $75 million milestone include Games Done Quick raising $2.2 million for the Prevent Cancer Foundation during AGDQ and $1.8 million for Doctors Without Borders during SGDQ.

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds Charity Invitational is this year’s biggest new fundraiser so far with $220,000 raised for Gamers’ Outreach.

“Ever since Twitch was but a wee babe, it has been clear that one of the community’s most important goals has been helping others,” said Twitch Charity Events Manager Andrew Schroeder.

“The passion for giving has been self-evident through the constant support for broadcasters and assistance for community members in need. This is especially pronounced in the astonishing amount of funds raised for charitable causes.”