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Floyd Mayweather becomes face of Playtrex's social casino game Wild Poker

Play as Mayweather, or just let him be the host of the game
Floyd Mayweather becomes face of Playtrex's social casino game Wild Poker
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Nov 23, 2017 partnership Playtrex Not disclosed

Social casino developer Playtrex and mobile game publisher Hero Digital Entertainment have signed a deal with ONE Entertainment to bring former professional boxer Floyd Mayweather to social casino game Wild Poker.

Wild Poker is a social casino adventure game that combines traditional Texas Hold 'Em gameplay with strategy and RPG-lite features. Players level up their characters and can deploy special skills while playing.

Mayweather will act as both a character in the game, and a host during poker rounds. He will announce new hands and offer tips to players, or can be chosen as a playable character with his own set of skills.

One-two punch

"Our mission with Wild Poker is to evolve the social casino genre to make it more fun and appealing to all types of players," said Daniel Kashmir, CEO of Playtrex.

"By adding Floyd as a presenter within the game, it shows that we are committed to providing game experiences that can’t be found in any other social casino game."

Mayweather isn't the only sportsman to have signed a deal with a mobile game studio in 2017. Back in August, Liverpool Football Club head coach Jürgen Klopp became brand ambassador for Digamore Entertainment's upcoming game Football Empire.