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Eve: War of Ascension mobile game enters soft launch in the Philippines

The Eve title is available on Android
Eve: War of Ascension mobile game enters soft launch in the Philippines

Games publisher Kongregate has soft-launched Eve: War of Ascension in the Philippines.

The PlayRaven-developed MMO game based on the popular CCP licence is currently available on Android and represents the Eve franchise’s first foray into the mobile market.

Staying true to the series formula Eve: War of Ascension tasks players with conquering outposts and taking control of regions of space.

The mobile MMO also boasts the capability to hold hundreds of players and offers specialities ranging from military forces to technology.

On top of that, you can also funnel your hard-won resources into constructing your own personal space station.

Eve of launch

Finnish developer PlayRaven initially revealed a partnership with Eve Online creator CCP to develop a new mobile game set in the Eve Universe in October of last year, then called ‘Project Aurora’.

Following on in April 2018, Kongregate struck a deal with to publish the title on iOS and Android.

“EVE: War of Ascension is our first mobile game at CCP and we’re so excited to bring the EVE universe to a new and massive audience,” said CCP CEO Hilmar Pétursson.

“Our goal is to bring our CCP DNA to the mobile market: player-driven content, social interaction, and massive scale collaboration. With great partners like PlayRaven and Kongregate, we’re seeing our vision become a reality.”

It is currently set for a full launch later this year.

In other Eve Online-related news, CCP recently teamed up with NetEase to develop a new Eve Online-based augmented reality MMO for mobile.

Currently called Project Galaxy, the title will launch on iOS in 2019 with an Android release to follow thereafter.