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Keywords sets up venture capital division

Amount backing this arm unclear
Keywords sets up venture capital division

Dublin-based Keywords has announced a brand new investment arm.

Dubbed Keywords Ventures, this will be investing in tech and services, the company's bread and butter up until now. The exact amount the firm will be putting into this division is unclear, but the announcement does say that Keywords will be spending under five per cent of its regular annual spend.

It's likely that this is part of the $120m-plus that the company raised to enable further acquisitions in June.

Dublin down on investments

Keywords also revealed that it would invest up to £300,000, dependent upon development milestones, in Series A funding for a 45 per cent shareholding in pre-revenue company AppSecTest.

AppSecTest is the creator of creator of AS Analyser, a cloud-based automatic testing solution for mobile apps, including games.

AS Analyser analyses apps for compliance with the GDPR and produces a detailed report of those aspects that are likely to contravene the regulations. 

"Our established relationships with most of the world's leading games companies, and our expanded global presence, provide a strong platform to support investees' growth while adding further value to the relationships we enjoy with our clients," said CEO Andrew Day.

"Our strategy to consolidate the fragmented market for video games services remains unchanged with KWV being highly complementary to this in bringing additional capabilities to our global services platform."

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