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Report: 34 per cent of American gamers are playing on mobile alone

EEDAR report also shows over a quarter of players are considered “incidental players”
Report: 34 per cent of American gamers are playing on mobile alone

A report on player motivation and behaviour in the US market revealed that 34 per cent of users only play games on mobile devices.

The 2018 Gamer Segmentation Syndicated Report found that 67 per cent of US gamers played video games. That amounts to a potential US audience of 211 million people.

59 per cent of gamers use a mobile device alongside a home PC or console, while 27 per cent use a mobile, PC and a console combined.

Split up

The report splits the market into six key sections, from action-multiplayer playing “Console Warriors” to young “Easy Accessors” who will play the most readily accessible titles.

Of interest to mobile are segments like “Daily Dabblers”, who make up 19 per cent of the audience and regularly spend time with social and casual games. “Incidental Players” play mobile games occasionally, and form 26 per cent of the crowd.

At 11 per cent, “Transitionals” have spent their lives playing games, but are now looking to find time to fit the hobby into their schedule.

EEDAR’s report also provides information on engagement with streaming and esports, and data on what affects platform choices and preferences.

The full Gamer Segmentation Syndicated Report is available from EEDAR here.