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Google to unveil a mystery gaming project at this year’s GDC

"Gather round" for the web giant's next step into gaming on March 19th
Google to unveil a mystery gaming project at this year’s GDC

Google may be taking a major next step into the games industry at this year’s GDC

Google is no stranger to the conference, frequently appearing to give support to Android developers or updating on new features coming to the platform. But this year, something big seems afoot.

The web giant has begun sending members of the press emails suggesting that “all will be revealed” at 10:00 PT /19:00 BST on March 19th. The email includes an animated gif of a hallway engulfed in approaching light, before inviting the viewer to gather round.

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Last October, Google began publicly experimenting with cloud streaming tech by letting select users play Assassin’s Creed Odyssey through Google Chrome’s Project Stream. It’s possible that Google is looking to formally announce how this tech will roll out going forwards.

Kotaku reported last year that sources claimed Google was working on its own console - Project 'Yeti' - that would be based on this streaming technology and would look to take on Xbox and Playstation directly.

That outlet also reported that Google was aggressively snapping up developers to kick start the new platform.

It should further be noted that former Microsoft corporate VP Phil Harrison joined Google as its VP and GM in January 2018, which could suggest the tech giant has been working on a games platform for some time.