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Unity Technologies snaps up Furioos cloud engine firm Obvioos

Building out the stack
Unity Technologies snaps up Furioos cloud engine firm Obvioos
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Nov 4, 2019 acquisition Unity Technologies Not disclosed

Software developer Unity Technologies has acquired Obvioos, the creator of cloud engine Furioos.

The deal was revealed in a blog update, with no value put on how much was paid.

Furioos allows users to have access to high-power GPUs, meaning intense computing power required by high-end applications can be run on any device connected to the internet.

Besides Furioos, the French company has a core focus on architecture and real estate through the use of virtual reality technology.

“We’re a small team with big goals,” said Obvioos co-founder and president Christophe Robert.

“By joining one of the leading 3D development platforms, we can better scale our video streaming services while closely aligning our technology with Unity. We’re extremely excited about what’s to come.”