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Get your players to nominate your game for the Pocket Gamer People's Choice Award 2020

Nominations close on November 27th
Get your players to nominate your game for the Pocket Gamer People's Choice Award 2020

We're a week away from the end of the lobbying for the forthcoming Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards 2020in association with Game Insight – that whole fun wraps up next Friday, November 15th. (See below for nomination details if you haven't got round to it yet.)

But as part of the proceedings we also run the hotly contested PG People's Choice Award, in which readers of our sister (consumer) site get to nominate – and subsequently vote for – their favourite gaming experience of the past 12 months.

The nomination phase has just kicked off and there is nothing in the rules that prevents you from encouraging your audience to champion your game. Provided the following subjective and objective parameters are respected:

  1. Your game is worthy of 'best of the best' style consideration
  2. They do so before the deadline of November 27th via the form on this page

If those boundaries are applicable and acceptable, by all means go forth and rally the troops.

Don't forget the 'other' awards

As a quick reminder, the third outing of the PG Mobile Games Awards will take place on Tuesday, January 21st at a swanky central London venue right after Pocket Gamer Connects London closes.

A large number of you have already submitted your nominations. If that's not you and if, over the past year, you have:

  • Released one of the finest mobile games experiences
  • Worked with an ultra-talented team of individuals that deliver day in, day out
  • Gone consistently over-and-above to satisfy your demanding-but-devoted players
  • Supplied critical industry-leading services
  • Implemented marketing campaigns that leave rivals playing catch up
  • Introduced genuine innovation into the sector
  • Or played a role within the industry that you feel elevated you/your team/your game above your peers

Then head to the Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards website and fill in the form(s) for the relevant awards you'd like to lobby for.

You can nominate for yourself or for another studio's efforts you think should be considered.

Nominations for the Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards close on November 15th. (Reminder: for the PG People's Choice Award, the submission phase closes a little later on November 27th.)

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