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AI solution startup secures $1.7 in seed funding

It will be used to expand on an international level
AI solution startup secures $1.7 in seed funding

Danish AI solutions firm has secured $1.7 million in seed funding.

The round was led by PreSeed Ventures, Hong Kong-based Saltagen Ventures, and Norwegian firm Propagator Ventures. Other investors include Pool Global Partners and Seed Capital.

The money will be used to deploy AIs that mimic human behaviour and reduce the amount of time it takes developers to test their titles. The team also plans to expand on an international level.

Innovative technology

"Modern computer games have the ability to monitor not only what players are doing, but also to store information about what context they are acting," said CEO Christoffer Holmgard.

"This forms the perfect observatory for following players' decision making, finding different types of players, and identifying patterns that we can leverage to predict what they would do in other situations." CPO Benedikte Mikkelsen added, "AI Personas are unlike any existing solution in the market. The technology allows developers to create experiences that respond to player motivations in real-time and lets designers tailor the game to engage them.

"They allow unprecedented insights into what compels players to play their game and how to personalize content for them."