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ESA confirms Nintendo and others for E3 2020 as Geoff Keighley chooses to skip

SEGA, Capcom, Bethesda, and more are still going
ESA confirms Nintendo and others for E3 2020 as Geoff Keighley chooses to skip

The Entertainment Software Association has confirmed that many of the big name publishers and developers are still committed to appearing at 2020's edition of E3.

The ESA confirmed that Nintendo, Ubisoft, Xbox, Bethesda, SEGA, Capcom, Square Enix, Take-Two, Bandai Namco, and Warner Bros. Games have all signed up to attend the show.

There were concerns over Nintendo's appearance at E3 following a leaked draft of the E3 2020 exhibitor list made its way to the Internet (as reported by Eurogamer).

Giving it a miss

Meanwhile, The Game Awards producer Geoff Keighley has announced that he won't be attending E3 and turned down the opportunity to produce its E3 Coliseum live event for the 2020 edition.

"While I want to support the developers who will showcase their work, I also need to be open and honest with you, the fans, about precisely what to expect from me," wrote Keighley on Twitter.

"I look forward to supporting the industry in other ways and at other events in the future."

Sony has already made its move and will be skipping E3 for its second consecutive year. The ESA has also attempted to reassure visitors and media that it has improved security this year and hopefully won't be doxxing members of the games press again.