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Riot Games gives $1.5 million to help coronavirus relief efforts

$400,000 will go to the Los Angeles food bank
Riot Games gives $1.5 million to help coronavirus relief efforts

League of Legends creator Riot Games has donated $1.5 million to coronavirus relief efforts in Los Angeles.

As reported by The Wrap, $500,000 is being donated by the company itself while its co-founders Brandon Beck and Marc Merrill gave an additional $500,000 each.

"We are blessed here in LA to have industries that not only fuel our city but our country and our world's economy. Gaming is one of those industries, and one of the leaders in that space is Riot Games," said Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti.

"They're based right here in our city, and today that company and its founders are donating more than $800,000 to local non-profits including $200,000 to the Mayor's Fund to support whatever is needed for COVID-19 relief."

Garcetti added: "On top of that financial contribution, Riot Games is working to secure critical personal equipment for LA's hospitals, like much-needed masks to protect our front-line doctors and nurses,"

$400,000 is going to LA's food bank, while $800,000 will go to non-profit organisations including $200,000 to the mayor's fund.

Industry support

The mayor claimed that Riot has kept its cleaning, facility and food staff on its pay-roll. Meanwhile, the rest of its employees are working remotely.

"Knowing this is a moment of strain for working families across our region, Riot Games is committed to doing right by its workforce," said Garcetti.

The American firm isn't the only games company to have donated money, Ndemic Creations has given $250,000 towards relief efforts. Meanwhile, streamer Ninja has pledged $150,000.

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