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The Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #2 meeting platform is live [video guide]

Start organising your meetings and connecting with games industry professionals from all around the world NOW
The Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #2 meeting platform is live [video guide]

Sound the alarm! Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #2 is just days away, and the meeting platform is now live!

Over 1,000 industry professionals will have access to our new and improved system so they can meet, do business and connect with the entire games industry over the internet at our week-long online conference. We might not be able to meet in person to shake hands at the moment, but we hope our online-only event will be just as beneficial to your business in these difficult times.

Meet MeetToMatch

This is our first time using the trusted MeetToMatch platform at a Pocket Gamer Connects event. You may be familiar with it from other events. A meeting platform is an excellent feature of attending a conference, whether in person or remotely like with our Digital series, and we want you to get the most out of it. We’re grateful to have our meeting platform sponsored by Amber, with CrazyLabs, and Plantago Capital having associate sponsor status.

Before we get started with some tips, you may like to watch this short video that walks you through logging in and setting up your profile for the first time:


What can you do with this platform?

When you register yourself on the MeetToMatch platform, there’s several steps you can do to set up your profile. Here’s some steps that you can follow:

  1. Set your preferences - once you’re into the system, you’ll need to set a time zone and choose a preferred video platform (Skype/Zoom).
  2. Fill in your profile - add details to your personal profile and your company profile.
  3. Add talks and panels to your agenda - once you’re in, you can see the full schedule. Add talks that you’d like to virtually attend to your agenda with the option to block out any meeting requests for that time period.
  4. Block out times you’re not available - our event is a global event to accommodate people around the world. You can set which times you’re not available for meetings (whether you’re sleeping or not working) and set times where you are available.
  5. Search for people to meet - Pocket Gamer Connects events are always about connecting people. You can search specific companies or individuals - whether they’re publishers, investors or indie developers - to reach out to, out of over 1,000 industry professionals from all around the world.

So make sure you get your profile set up and connect with all those industry professionals online now! If you have questions about how to get the most from the MeetToMatch platform, check out our extensive FAQ section.

Already registered?

Hey - that's great! Thanks and we looking forward to hosting you next week.

You should have received an activation email for the MeetToMatch platform, which is available to all attendees. More people are signing into it daily. If you haven't received yours, first please check your spam folder. If you have any other problems with your registration, please email

And if you’re not registered for Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #2…

You won’t be able to get access to our meeting system, where you can network with top companies at our event! Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to connect with the games industry and book your tickets now.

We know that indie developers have been hardest hit by the current global situation, so we have reserved a selection of free tickets for small studios. If you think you qualify, apply now.

To support jobseekers during this difficult time, we’re inviting a select amount of people currently out of work and looking for a new role absolutely FREE.