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Day 1 of Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #4 yesterday was amazing! Join us today with 4 days still to go...

Today's tracks include: Game Maker Insights, Monetiser, Incredible Indies and the Developer Toolkit
Day 1 of Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #4 yesterday was amazing! Join us today with 4 days still to go...

Did you catch the first day of Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #4 yesterday? It's our last online Connects event of the year.

Don't worry if you missed it - tickets are still available, so you can join every interactive session live for the rest of the week. With all the seminars, fireside chats and panel debates available later on-demand, you can catch up on all of yesterday's expert insight.

As well as the conference schedule that runs all week until Friday, you can connect with 1,500+ games industry professionals from more than 70 countries via our 24/7 networking platform - MeetToMatch - as well as on dedicated Discord servers.

You're missing out if you aren't one of the 600+ companies doing business during the conference right now...

Book your ticket now!

Previously, on Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #4...

The 16-track conference schedule opened yesterday with the Growth Track, Global Trends and a special focus on MENA, one of the most exciting emerging territories with huge potential.

Here are some of the things we learned during Day 1:

...And on today's show

We'll be back from 09:00 (UK Time) today - Tuesday November 10th - with two tracks: Game Maker Insights, and Incredible Indies, plus Monetiser and the Developer Toolkit later in the day. Tickets are available now.