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Nintendo puts a stop to Joy-Con charity campaign

"Etikons" were being sold in memory of YouTuber Desmond "Etika" Amofah
Nintendo puts a stop to Joy-Con charity campaign

Nintendo has come under fire after it reportedly sent a cease and desist order to a charity campaign that was selling Joy-Con shells.

The shells, dubbed "Etikons" were created and sold last year to raise funds for mental health charities following the death of YouTuber Desmond "Etika" Amofah. He took his own life in June 2019.

In December 2019, campaign creator 'CptnAlex' revealed that more than $10,000 had been donated to the JED Foundation in memory of Amofah.

However, as detailed on Twitter, the campaigner was sent a cease and desist order at the end of September. In which it was stated that the "Etikons" had infringed on Nintendo trademarks.

In a fresh Twitter thread, CptnAlex explained that Nintendo did have the right to remove some of his designs.

"At no point have I ever been feigning innocence on this whole matter. I'm very well aware that my designs have infringed on Nintendo Copyrights and Trademarks," said CptnAlex.

Future campaign

However, he went on to point out how he is not the first individual or company to create custom designs for Nintendo controllers.

"I'm upset because regardless of what anybody wants to say, Nintendo has personally victimised me. Nintendo has gone out of their way to prevent me from selling some of my designs while letting other much larger companies run rampant."

In the future, it is possible for the Etikons to be sold again. However, in order to do so, the word "JoyConBoyz" would have to be removed. CptnAlex claimed if enough people were interested, he would do some more designs for a new campaign, without the use of trademarks.