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Interactive Futures to discuss career opportunities with students and parents next month

"It is vital that we carry on and build on what has been achieved in creating the gaming cluster of businesses in Leamington Spa"
Interactive Futures to discuss career opportunities with students and parents next month

Interactive Futures will open its virtual doors next month to discuss career options in games with children and their parents.

In February, not only will Interactive Futures 2021 discuss the various career options within the games industry, but it will also provide guidance and advice on how students can achieve their dream job.

Moreover, the event focuses on parents, too, helping to make them understand the prospects offered by the games industry.

The week-long virtual event will commence on February 16th, with an industry-focused day. As such, it will display the talent that can be found in the region. One of several studios to be found in Leamington Spa is mobile specialist Kwalee.

Moving forward, from February 17th to February 20th, there will be a series of sessions aimed at students of all ages, from primary up to higher education.

The future

"Interactive Futures continues to be a great success, and we hope that the new virtual format will provide a platform for the festival to reach an even wider audience," said CWLEP board director and chair of the digital and creative business group Sarah Windrum.

"The video game industry is a key component to the successful future of the region and is a sector that the CWLEP is proud to support.

"We know that we have some of the very best video games talent and we're honoured that we continue to attract more to the region.

"As well as highlighting this talent, this year's Interactive Futures will speak directly to the next generation, encouraging the development and aspirations of children and young people when it comes to a career in games."

Building a community

Interactive Futures is hosted by the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership, Warwickshire County Council and Warwick District Council.

"I am so pleased to see that the Interactive Futures conference will go ahead despite the restrictions that the pandemic has imposed on us," said Warwickshire County Council leader Cllr Izzi.

"For me, that absolutely embodies what I have seen in Warwickshire throughout the last nine months; people embracing technology to work around a problem, finding the solution and carrying on with what we need to do to make Warwickshire the best it can be.

"It is vital that we carry on and build on what has been achieved in creating the gaming cluster of businesses in Leamington Spa. It is a source of employment for young people and has really put the region on the map internationally. I would like to thank all involved in organising this year's conference for working so hard, and with such innovation, to make sure that we do not lose that momentum."