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The Nintendo Switch hits one million official sales in China

The number is higher when grey markets are included
The Nintendo Switch hits one million official sales in China

The Nintendo Switch has shifted one million units in China since its launch in December 2019.

As reported by Reuters, Tencent - Nintendo's official Chinese partner - has confirmed the figure.

Moreover, a spokesperson for the tech giant claimed that the Switch sales are "a good start" while the market has been receptive to the games that have been published for the Chinese version.

However, the figure is lower than that of the estimates published by Niko Partners last year, though it is worth noting that the analytics firm included the grey markets.

Meanwhile, Tencent excludes all channels except for authorised sales of the hardware.

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The main reason Chinese consumers go through grey markets is that official Switch consoles in China are locked. Therefore, they are very limited when it comes to what games can be played.

For example, in China, massive Switch exclusives such as Animal Crossing: New Horizons and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild are yet to be approved in the region. So far, just 13 games have been given the green light.

Worldwide, the Nintendo Switch has proven to be hugely popular. In the US, the hardware has remained the best-selling console for 24 consecutive months, while it has hit 25 straight months in Canada.