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Apple rolling out privacy changes in "early spring"

"Privacy means peace of mind, it means security, and it means you are in the driver's seat when it comes to your own data"
Apple rolling out privacy changes in

Apple will roll out its new privacy changes regarding app tracking in "early spring."

The tech giant will force apps to acquire user permission before tracking on iOS 14, iPadOS 14 and tvOS 14 in the company's next beta update.

Furthermore, Apple explained that apps could have around six data trackers attached to them, which are solely there to gather personal information.

Apple first made its privacy intentions clear in June 2020. However, numerous companies, namely Facebook, took issue with the intended changes. The social media giant has insisted that the changes will render its advertising tools near useless.

However, the tech behemoth made the decision last September to delay implementation of the policy alterations. Instead, the company decided that change would come this year instead, to give app developers a better time to prepare.

Protect your data

"Privacy means peace of mind, it means security, and it means you are in the driver's seat when it comes to your own data," said Apple senior vice president of engineering Craig Federighi.

"Our goal is to create technology that keeps people's information safe and protected. We believe privacy is a fundamental human right, and our teams work every day to embed it in everything we make."