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Admix verifies its inventory with new IAS deal

A first for third party measurement
Admix verifies its inventory with new IAS deal

Adtech platform Admix has announced its partnership with Integral Ad Science (IAS), a digital ad verification company.

Admix claims this will enable it to be the first in-play advertising platform to offer inventory that is measured and verified by an independent authority.

First of many

“Admix’s new partnership with IAS is the first in a number of initiatives to standardize In-Play viewability and performance," commented CEO Samuel Huber.

"While we have always been confident in our technology and our approach, ultimately having our solution verified by a trusted independent partner such as IAS is vital to our vision for gaming as a media channel.

"This announcement will be ground-breaking not just for Admix, our developers and advertisers, but for the entire category.”

"By bringing trusted measurement and greater transparency to the high-growth In-Play gaming market, we’re helping brands, agencies, and mobile game developers ensure the quality of their advertising," added IAS' chief revenue officer Chance Johnson.