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Voodoo offering $1 million for new hypercasual hits

Summer Games Competition takes place between June 10th to July 15th
Voodoo offering $1 million for new hypercasual hits

Hypercasual games publisher Voodoo has announced its new Summer Game Competition where it will support game developers to create new hypercasual hits.

The competition will take place between June 10th to July 15th, 2021. It will offer studios around the world the chance to submit prototypes, and - for the first time - receive full support from the Voodoo team through every step of the process.

For the ideation and prototype phases, applicants will receive support from Voodoo’s product strategy and publishing teams. This support will include inspiration packs with marketability and trend guidance from Voodoo’s extensive knowledge base, alongside data-driven insights.

Webinars and live Q&A sessions with the publishing team will also be held throughout the competition.

The support will also extend to testing and launching hot prototypes. Applicants will have access to Voodoo’s world-class hypercasual testing platform which offers new and improved processes on Facebook, Snapchat and Tiktok.

All prototypes that hit a $0.20 cost-per-install (CPI) and 30 per cent day one retention on Android or $0.30 CPI and 30 per cent day one retention on iOS, will benefit from the extra support of Voodoo’s CPI optimisation squad, LaunchOPS, and Android build teams.

“Our competitions tend to bring out extraordinary hits...”
Alex Shea

"Excited to return"

"We are excited to return to our competition series and once again welcome game prototypes from our trusted partners as well as from new emerging studios and developers," said Voodoo head of publishing Alex Shea.

"Our competitions tend to bring out extraordinary hits, and we are proud to offer Voodoo’s tailored support to each promising prototype and studio to help them develop their next hit game."

This competition series introduces a new prize scale that not only rewards successful titles but supports those who refer successful studios. Prizes include:

  • $200,000 minimum guarantee for any launched and confirmed game
  • $10,000 for all games hitting a $0.20 CPI and 30 per cent day one retention on Android or $0.30 CPI and 30 per cent day one on iOS
  • $50,000 referral prizes for any referred studio with a confirmed hit game (during or after the competition)

Those seeking the opportunity to submit their titles can do so now, ahead of the official start date and live webinar on June 10th. Participants will be able to submit and test unlimited prototypes until the closing date of July 15th, 2021.

The full terms and conditions can be found here.