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Here’s how you can attend Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8 - free

There are seven different free ways you can attend next week’s top B2B mobile games industry conference
Here’s how you can attend Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8 - free

They say the best things in life are free - and that includes free entry to the leading mobile games industry conference. You could take advantage of this amazing opportunity and attend Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8 without spending a single penny.

We’re back next week from September 27th to October 1st for a week of superb talks, networking, fringe events specifically designed to connect certain groups, pitching, and more. The event takes place completely online, with over 1,500 attendees and more than 250 expert speakers sharing their incredible insight.

There are seven ways you can attend our conference without having to pay for a ticket. Here they are…

1) Indies go free

We have allocated a limited number of free passes solely for small indie developers who may not otherwise be able to easily attend events. If you would like to apply for a free indie developer pass to Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8, please use the form here.

2) Jobseekers go free

Careers Week returns enabling you the opportunity to connect with great games recruiters. As part of this initiative, we are making a number of jobseeker tickets available free to those who are currently out of work and looking for a new role. Sign up here to apply for your free jobseeker ticket.

3) Take part in the Big Indie Pitch

If you are an indie developer working on a new PC or console game, then there are more chances for free tickets by entering the Big Indie Pitch. This event sees indie developers engage in a speed-dating-styled pitching competition for fame, feedback, and the chance to win our bespoke promotional packages worth thousands of dollars.

Apply today and pitch your PC or console game to a panel of expert judges at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8.

4) The Big Hypercasual Pitch

Making its first ever appearance, The Big Hypercasual Pitch is a brand new pitching competition tailored to hypercasual developers.

Following the format of the Big Indie Pitches, developers engage in a speed-dating-styled pitching competition for fame, feedback, and the chance to win editorial coverage on as well as a special prize from our sponsors Sunday.

Apply today.

5) Share your expertise

Have you got incredible insights that you want to share with the global games industry? We’re inviting you to get involved and speak at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8. Whether you’re an investor or service provider, an artist or a developer, UX designer or a producer - or even someone who works in other creative industries that crossover with games - there are many people who can benefit from the insight you’ll provide at our event.

Submit your talk today or contact for more information.

6) Free student access

We’re offering a select amount of student tickets available free for those who are currently in higher education. The best way to guarantee a student ticket to the event is through your college or university. We liaise directly with relevant college departments. Before applying here, ask your tutor if provision has already been made for groups of students from your place of study.

If you wish to proceed with an independent student application, please sign up here.

7) Cover the event as press

We welcome all forms of media to attend Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8 to cover the event for the latest news, feature research and in-person interviews. All we ask for in return is that you let your audience know in advance you’ll be there, and encourage them to come along by sharing this link. Apply for accreditation here.

Seven options, one choice

Well there you have it - seven ways you can attend Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8 free next week. It is now up to you to decide which one works for you.

And if none of these options apply to you - or you simply want to guarantee access to make sure you don't miss out - book now.