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Frantic Games raises $2.4m in pre-seed funding

The studio will use the fund to specialise in hybrid casual mobile games
Frantic Games raises $2.4m in pre-seed funding

Turkish mobile gaming studio Frantic Games has raised $2.4m in pre-seed funding for the objective of developing hybrid casual mobile games. The studio boasts numerous veterans of at least seven years in the mobile gaming industry in it's six-person team.

It's a considerable sum to raise pre-seed indicating a significant amount of faith in both the objective of the company and the potential of the Ankara-based developer to grow in a thriving mobile market within Turkiye. 

CEO of Frantic Games, Kürşad Can Mutlu stated after the funding round, “At Frantic Games, we firmly believe that the team is the most crucial KPI for success.”

“With the guidance and investments from vgames, Emerging Europe 500, and Mr. Babayiğit, we are propelling to new horizons in hybrid casual gaming. Together, we will create extraordinary experiences for gamers worldwide.”

Investing in hybrid casual

Aside from the focus on Turkiye, which has been an increasingly popular area for investment - with mobile gaming even growing while other traditional industries recede - it's notable that Frantic will be focusing on the growing hybrid casual genre. After hypercasual ruled the charts for a time, it appears that the genre has peaked, with many developers and companies now focusing on hybrid casual as its successor.

Frantic’s new focus right out of the gate clearly indicates not just their own confidence that hybrid casual is the way of the future but also that of their investors, putting their money where their mouth is. The exact nature of titles come out of Frantic Games will become clear in the future, however it’s clear that they're pinning their hopes on the new hot genre.