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Speaker Spotlight: RocketJump Games CEO Louis René Auclair

Louis René Auclair will be talking about Working With Licenses at Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki
Speaker Spotlight: RocketJump Games CEO Louis René Auclair

Louis René Auclair is CEO and Founder at RocketJump Games. At Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki on September 11th to 12th he'll be giving a talk about Working With Licenses.

Click here to get more info on the show and to buy your tickets.

With 18+ years experience in video games market and in marketing, Louis has acted as studio owner, producer, business developer and marketer for more than 25 games.

At Hibernum, he grew the studio from 12 to 160 people while generating deals of over 60M USD in less than 5 years.

Utilizing key learnings from his studio, development and publishing work, Louis brings to the RocketJump Games an expertise on studio management, creative design, business development and deal making. What does your role at the company entail?

Louis René Auclair: I'm Chief Jumper at RocketJump Games. RocketJump Games works with developers and publishers to create the best concepts, pitches, and deals that will generate ROI for every party involved.

RocketJump Games’ approach is to work closely with the developers and publishers during all phases of development and liveops to create the best business outcome possible.

What do you think have been the most exciting developments in gaming since the last Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki?

The rise to worldwide phenomenon of Fortnite. This game is one of the biggest pop culture influence of 2018, if not the biggest.

It's influencing almost every vertical in gaming from VR to Mobile.

What are your thoughts on the way the industry has grown in the last 12 months?

There is always something new and exciting happening in our industry. New technology and platforms are always showing up.

Some stay, some fade away. But in the end, the winners are always the users, they are the ones getting all these amazing games.

What do you think the next 12 months in mobile gaming are going to look like?

I'm really hoping more innovation will come in the next year. I want developers and publishers to focus on great gameplay that brings gamers back to their phones.

As developers, publishers, and users become more sophisticated, hopefully, the level of risk linked to making great games will diminish and it will allow the game makers to be able to take greater risks which will create better games!

Which part of Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki are you most looking forward to and why?

The very big Indie Pitch, I'm always impressed with the level of creativity the indie studios showcase at these events!

About Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki

In a few short weeks the whole mobile gaming industry is set to descend on Helsinki for Pocket Gamer Connects. The event, which runs from September 11th to 12th, is packed full of talks, tracks, networking opportunities, and more. You can read about the full conference schedule here.

There are still tickets available for the show, and if you click this link right here you'll get all the information you need on how to buy them, and what's going to be happening in Helsinki over the two days.