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Angry Birds hits 250 million downloads across mobile platforms

Up 50 million in less than a month
Angry Birds hits 250 million downloads across mobile platforms

As sure as the sun will rise once a day, you can guarantee that Rovio's Angry Birds will reach a major downloads milestone at least once a month.

June is no exception, with TechCrunch reporting that total downloads for the series across mobile have now surpassed 250 million up 50 million from the last figure the studio made public back in mid-May.

The site claims the declaration was made by 'Mighty Eagle' Peter Vestebacka himself, though it's not clear whether it includes the Mac App Store as has been indicated in previous press releases or if, for one reason or another, Vestebacka is referring to phone downloads only.

Moving on with magic

Either way, if taken against the 200 million figure reported 28 days ago, that means Angry Birds is being downloaded around 1.79 million times each day.

Next up is Rovio's location-enabled Angry Birds Magic project, which will flourish first in free form on Nokia handsets. Pre-installed on devices, the Nokia release is designed to unlock levels when users touch phones with someone else, assuming both handsets are NFC equipped.

However, Vestebacka also hinted that Rovio is working on an alternative mode in the game dubbed Magic Places that will work on standard phones, delivering fresh experiences when users play the game in specific locations.

You can see product manager Ramine Darabiha's take on Angry Birds Magic, in conversation with GigaOM, in the video below.

Outside of Magic, Rovio is also working on a new Angry Birds offshoot called Mine and Dine, which it's believed will focus more on the pig characters.

[source: TechCrunch]