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HTC to release three more Android handsets in 2009

Becoming the Taiwanese Android king
HTC to release three more Android handsets in 2009

We’ve already got our hardware eye firmly fixed on HTC’s follow up to the T-Mobile G1, the HTC Magic (for which Vodafone has already nabbed exclusivity), but it’s just been announced that it has at least another three Android powered devices in the works.

Speaking at an investment forum in Taipei, HTC’s CEO Peter Chou announced that the G1 had exceeded its sales targets of 1 million units, and the company was now looking to move the handset into China, where it could expect to double current sales figures.

HTC will release no more than 20 smartphones this year, according to Chou, though he gave no details on which platform the remaining handsets - other than the three Android powered devices - would be using.

HTC’s long been an advocate of Windows Mobile, though this latest report shows it’s clearly taken with Google’s operating system and is only set to increase its use of the open source platform.