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Following Flash and Unity, Flurry queries new iPhone terms of service

Affects all ad agencies. Seeking clarification
Following Flash and Unity, Flurry queries new iPhone terms of service

It started with the assumption that the new clause in the iPhone Developer Program License Agreement, which was made available with the OS 4.0 SDK beta, was out to stop Flash getting on iDevices by the backdoor.

Then developers got worried that section 3.3.9 could actually ban middleware tools such as the popular Unity engine.

This week however, mobile advertising networking and analytics companies have been sucked into the speculation.

Uncertainty all round

Once such is Flurry, and so Peter Farago, veep of marketing, has posted a comment on its blog.

"We believe that this affects our services as well as most if not all ad network services," he begins.

"Flurry has contacted Apple and is seeking clarification on the language. Our goal is to move forward in a way that continues to provide valuable insight to developers about how to build better apps, while complying with the new Agreement.

"We believe this is possible, and in a way that still serves your needs for real-time information."

Of course, in these situations, it's up to Apple to reveal whether 3.3.9 is designed to wipe out multiple parts of the iPhone business ecosystem so it can dominate its own platforms, or whether it's a case of the ongoing Adobe feud getting out of hand.

Let's hope it knows.

[source: Flurry]