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AdMob: Apple's new developer agreement will hinder, not help, iPhone

Advertising giant plans to talk to Apple
AdMob: Apple's new developer agreement will hinder, not help, iPhone

It seems, though Apple remains officially mute, AdMob believes All Things Digital's assessment of the new developer agreement is correct AdMob has, as it stands, been blocked from working on iPhone.

In a situation fast replicating recent exchanges between Apple and Adobe, AdMob CEO Omar Hamoui has responded to the move in an open blog post.

It's Hamoui's view that, despite losing its independent status when it was picked up by Google for $750 million, the network remains able to help small studios gain a footing in iPhone development a relationship between experience and creativity that will be broken up by the new developer agreement.

Out for AdMob

"Apple proposed new developer terms on Monday that, if enforced as written, would prohibit app developers from using AdMob and Google’s advertising solutions on the iPhone," Hamoui clarifies in the entry.

"This change threatens to decrease or even eliminate revenue that helps to support tens of thousands of developers.

"The terms hurt both large and small developers by severely limiting their choice of how best to make money. And because advertising funds a huge number of free and low cost apps, these terms are bad for consumers as well."

Looking out for the little guys

Like Adobe before it, Hamoui believes it's a desire to squeeze out its rivals rather than aid the development community that motivates Apple when making such decisions.

"Let's be clear. This change is not in the best interests of users or developers. In the history of technology and innovation, it’s clear that competition delivers the best outcome. Artificial barriers to competition hurt users and developers and, in the long run, stall technological progress."

Hamoui concludes that AdMob will seek to express its concerns regarding the new developer agreement with Apple, although it's the reaction of the rest of the industry that might well motivate any future alterations.

Mirroring Microsoft

In truth, Apple finds itself in a position many successful platform holders have to tackle, having to fend off claims it holds too much power over a platform it created.

The question of just how much influence it could and should have over businesses that operate on its OS is one that will generate headlines aplenty over the coming days and weeks.

Ultimately, however, Apple is only likely to re-evaluate its position if it's clear the current standpoint harms development on the platform.