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Adidas rumoured to have pulled $10 million iAd campaign

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Adidas rumoured to have pulled $10 million iAd campaign

The suggestion that Apple has driven away a major iAd backer due to its reportedly heavy hand won't surprise everyone Apple has previously been called up for its controlling nature by advertisers.

However, according to Business Insider, Apple has really annoyed Adidas with its control freakery over a proposed campaign.

Playing God

The website claims Adidas has pulled its $10 million plus ad campaign due to Apple's control over its implementation.

Apple is rumoured to have rejected Adidas' creative concept for the campaign three times.

"Advertisers complain about the lack of control over and visibility into where their ads appear, lack of thirdparty ad serving tools, and other issues," Business Insider's Dan Frommer says in the report, citing an  unnamed industry exec as the source.

Time management

Back in August, the Wall Street Journal reported advertisers were frustrated with the amount of time it was taking for ads to appear on iAd.

The paper claimed the industry was not used to a platform holder involving itself in the creative process to such a degree, with campaigns taking an average of 8 to 10 weeks to reach consumers.

"Apple plans to open up the process once it's more comfortable with the program, but it appears some advertisers have lost their patience," Frommer concludes.

[source: Business Insider]