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Nintendo 3DS outpacing predecessor as 8 month total tops DS's year one tally, claims Reggie Fils-Aime

An expected recovery?
Nintendo 3DS outpacing predecessor as 8 month total tops DS's year one tally, claims Reggie Fils-Aime

Undoubtedly off to a rocky start, Nintendo's 3DS has shown some signs of recovery in recent months shoots of growth further bolstered by news the device is continuing to outpace its predecessor.

Following the launch of Super Mario 3D Land and a pretty hefty price-cut, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has claimed the handheld's eight month total is now larger than the original DS mustered in its first year.

That's better

"In sales through this past Saturday eight months - [the 3DS] has outsold the full 12 months of the original DS," said Fils-Aime.

"During that 12 months time, the original DS sold 2.37 million and we just surpassed that this past Saturday, so we've got real good momentum going into the holidays."

Fils-Aime also highlighted how he believes the influx of software has had a strong effect on sales, addressing one of the main complaints consumers had about the initial launch.

"It reinforces the idea that in this business, great, compelling software drives hardware. As long as we continue to make great content, we'll continue to have very strong performing handhelds."

Winding road

Nintendo still has a long way to go though, if it is to fully overcome its slow start.

As Flurry VP of marketing Peter Farago pointed out when we caught up with him, the fact 3DS is outselling the DS shouldn't be a surprise, and isn't necessarily evidence of a recovery.

"Firstly, they're selling in a holiday season," Farago said.

"Secondly they cut its price faster. Thirdly, gaming, on the whole, is more popular now, which means there is a larger addressable market."

"At the same time, there is no denying that iOS and Android offer a real substitute to portable gaming."

[source: Time]