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Rumour: SkyMarket app store for Windows Mobile to be unveiled next month

But are leaked Mobile World Congress announcements true?
Rumour: SkyMarket app store for Windows Mobile to be unveiled next month

Apple has the App Store, Android has Android Market, Palm has its software store, BlackBerry is soon getting its own app store, and Windows Mobile...

Well, it seems Microsoft may be unveiling its own application storefront for Windows Mobile, called SkyMarket, next month at the Mobile World Congress show.

At least, that's what Microsoft-focused site Neowin is claiming, based on a leak of the company's planned announcements at MWC.

There's not much more information than that it'll be an app store for Windows Mobile handsets allowing users to buy applications (and presumably games).

The SkyMarket name is already familiar to WinMo-watchers, mind: last September Microsoft advertised several jobs working on the service.

Mobile games developers would certainly welcome such an initiative. There's already a thriving base of WinMo game developers, but they rely mainly on third-party portals and stores to get their games into people's hands.