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Amazon reveals inbuilt marketing tools for Appstore developers

Automated sections recommend relevant apps and games

Whilst Amazon sticks rigidly to the 'coming soon' line for its Android Appstore, the online retail giant has previewed a few more nuggets regarding its implementation and functionality.

We already know that Amazon will maintain control over pricing, will divvy up revenue 70/30, and will aggressively test software before it goes live in its mobile apps marketplace.

And to that list Amazon is adding automated marketing for apps, which utilises the power and knowhow of Amazon’s algorithms to highlight relevant titles to customers on its digital shelves.

Recommendation engine

Based on your search requests, browsing history, and wish lists, Amazon will display a set of recommendations on the homepage in familiar segments dubbed "More Items to Consider", "New For You", and "Related to Items You’ve Viewed".

Separate Bestsellers lists for Paid and Free applications, which are updated hourly, follow the lead taken by Google's own Android Market and Apple's digital storefront.

Amazon also has a couple of other party tricks up its sleeve to help an app developer gain that all-important visibility across its vast repository.

Past success

In sections entitled "Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought" and "What Do Customers Ultimately Buy After Viewing This Item?", one punter’s past purchases serve as a jumping off point for successive shoppers.

So, if, for example, I purchase an Android tablet (Motorola Xoom, perhaps), then download the IMDb app and Angry Birds, anybody who later visits the Xoom product page will be informed of these potential must-have accessories to the 10.1-inch device.

In an increasingly competitive mobile apps landscape, every tool at a developer's disposal will be gratefully received, and with 114 million customers already well attuned to Amazon's purchasing methods, there could be a new addition to this ranking list 'coming soon'.

[source: Amazon]