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Android growing at 5 times the rate of iOS in US as share tops 40%

Up 5.4% in three months

Any assessment of the US mobile market inevitably highlights Android's growth over the last couple of years.

But comparing its growth to that of iOS, however, shows just how impressive the ascent of Google's platform has been.

According to comScore's numbers for June 2011, Android's share of the US smartphone market now sits at 40.1 percent, up from 23.1 percent since last July (figures for June 2010 absent from comScore's results).

But while Apple has also enjoyed growth during the same period, iOS is expanding its share much slower than Android.

The growth gap

Apple's share currently sits at 26.6 percent, edging it ahead of RIM on 23.4 percent.

However, this represents a rise of just 2.8 percentage points compared to figures for July 2010.

In truth, Android's growth has inevitably slowed in recent months, with the OS expanding its share by 5.4 percent every three months to iOS's 1.1 percent.

Nonetheless, both Google and Apple's fortunes stand in stark contrast to RIM's continued slide.

BlackBerry currently accounts for 23.4 percent of handsets across the US, though that figure is down 15.9 percentage points from the near 40 percent market share the company enjoyed almost a year ago.

No Samsung slip

BlackBerry's market retraction means RIM's position as a manufacturing force is also on the wane.

The firm is now the fifth largest OEM in the US, with rival Apple slipping past the Canadian firm for the first time since comScore figures began.

Samsung, however, remains in charge of the market as a whole, continuing to spread its base to a 25.3 percent share of the market.

Its closest rival, LG, is also growing its hand, albeit at a slower rate. The Korean firm currently holds a 21.3 percent share of the market, up 0.4 percentage points in the last three months.

You can view a summary of the findings in full on comScore's website.