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Samsung's Galaxy S II hits 5.5 million sales in 85 days

Fastest selling handset in company history
Samsung's Galaxy S II hits 5.5 million sales in 85 days

If anyone doubted Samsung's prevalence on Android, sales of 5.5 million handsets should change their mind.

That's the figure the firm's flagship handset Galaxy S II has amassed in 85 days, making it the fastest selling phone in Samsung's history.

It also means the firm has managed to sell 2.5 million units during the last 24 days, averaging out at more than 104,000 units every 24 hours.

Galaxy's the limit

The numbers taken from a Korean press release published by the firm suggest Galaxy S II is selling at roughly twice the rate of its predecessor, which took roughly five months to surpass the 5 million mark.

It was always clear Galaxy S II was going to get off to a good start. Pre-orders came in at 3 million, while sales in Samsung's home territory alone topped 1 million in a month.

Most impressive of all, however, is the fact the handset is yet to launch it what could be its biggest market: the US.

Galaxy S II's Stateside debut is currently pencilled in for August, while on a global basis, Samsung intends to ship 10 million units before the end of 2011. It's current sales rate suggests such a tally should be no problem.

[source: GigaOM]