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Indie devs hit out at YouTube over false copyright claims

Firm stands by broken policies
Indie devs hit out at YouTube over false copyright claims

YouTube has invoked the wrath of indie developers forced to deal with false copyright claims as a result of the video platform's new copyright detection policies.

Devs including Mike Bithell - creator of Thomas Was Alone - and Terry Cavanagh, developer of platformer VVVVVV, have had to deal with an extraordinary amount of copyright claims on footage of their own IPs.

Daylight robbery

Bithell has been plagued with claims originating from music network Indmusic.

The company, which brands itself as YouTube's 'largest music network', is reportedly claiming that they own the rights to footage of his game in an attempt to generate cash through false monetisation.

"Hey, guys, you have zero ownership of footage of my game, Thomas Was Alone. Stop demanding monetization of videos of it," said Bithell in a tweet aimed at Indmusic.

"This is kinda disgusting, and I'm sickened that Indmusic are taking money from the pockets of a number of supporters of my game."

Thomas Was Alone

Cavanagh has also been dealing with absurd claims, once again originating from Indmusic, after he received a copyright flag on a trailer of his own game, that he'd personally uploaded.

"Apparently my own video trailer of VVVVVV has a copyright claim against it?," revealed Cavanagh.

"[I've] Just submitted a claim dispute, it's so ridiculous!"

The cold shoulder

Despite the public outcry, and the fact that the system is undeniably broken, it seems that YouTube is more than prepared to turn a blind eye for the time being.

The company has issued a statement to its users via email informing them that it's going to stand by its new 'Content ID' detection tech.

The firm has again suggested that any user who finds themselves affected by a false copyright claim should continue to dispute the claims themselves.