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How Flaregames and Kopla doubled the monetisation performance of Nonstop Knight

Monetisation Expert Arto Huhta explains the 'Kopla Mentality'
How Flaregames and Kopla doubled the monetisation performance of Nonstop Knight

At Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016, Flaregames Monetisation Expert Arto Huhta offered an insight into what is unique about the process behind Kopla Games’ popular mobile game Nonstop Knight.

Huhta discussed the ‘Kopla Mentality’ to create something new – accepting the team doesn’t necessarily "know the unknown", and what may be good for the game in the short-term.

Non-stop brute force

To get through this, the team tries out lots of new ideas and let the process and the game teach them the way forward.

Huhta said part of this process is “brute forcing luck”. The team discovered new features throughout development, such as the incremental economy, rather than planning them from the start.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016 in this YouTube playlist.

Pocket Gamer Connects returns to London on January 16th and 17th. You can find details about the event and book your tickets here.