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Gingerbread's slow uptake continues; running on just 4% of Android devices

Froyo rules the roost
Gingerbread's slow uptake continues; running on just 4% of Android devices

Google's decision to publish regular statistics detailing the share split between the various versions of Android does the company credit, but it also leads to plenty of finger pointing.

The latest stats release doesn't hold all too many surprises on first glance: as previously, Android 2.2 (better known as Froyo) continues to be the dominant version of platform, running on just under 66 percent of all devices.

That's up 4.6 percentage points since the figures revealed in March, though comparing the two sets of statistics showing Google isn't encouraging the take up of Gingerbread aka Android 2.3.x with both OEMs and carriers.

Not so tasty

Gingerbread now makes up 4 percent of all Android devices exactly, up from 1.7 percent in March, with most of its increase coming from the 2.3.3 OS drop. 

Tablet times

Google's figures also cast some light on the performance of the tablet-only Honeycomb, which holds a 0.3 percent share up from 0.2 percent in March.

That was a share that led Deutsche Bank to conclude that sales of Motorola's Xoom the first Honeycomb tablet to reach the market sat at 100,000.

As such, it could now be concluded that total sales of Honeycomb tablets have now surpassed the 150,000 mark.

[source: Google]