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How PewDiePie promoted Best Fiends, Twitch's eyeball power, and rising CPI price graphed

The past 7 days in bite-sized portions
How PewDiePie promoted Best Fiends, Twitch's eyeball power, and rising CPI price graphed

As is fitting for mid January, the news this week is about gearing up for the rest of 2015.

New companies are forming, others are raising new funding, while some analysts continue to look back over what can be learned from behaviours collected from 2014.

Underpinning all these are longterm trends such as virtual reality, the power of video - in terms of user acquisition, engagement and monetisation - not to forget the constantly changing publishing scene.

These, and mainly more, will be keeping us busy as we get further into Q1.

Industry voices

User acquisition, retention, and monetisation

Tools & platforms

Funding, acquisitions, personnel and shuttering
