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PGbiz Podcast #5 - The future of app monetisation with Facebook

Imran Khan from Facebook Audience Network joins the team
PGbiz Podcast #5 - The future of app monetisation with Facebook
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Welcome to episode five of the podcast.

This is our regular roundup of the global mobile games market, and deep dive into the issues that matter to you, whatever your role and wherever you are.

In this episode, we talk about the current key trends in the games market. Apple, Epic and China.

Lawsuits, launches and limitations.

Is the app store opening up? Are restrictions on gaming in China going to impact the country’s developers and publishers? What about esports?

We also welcome a new sister site to the family, with the launch of Beyond Games. What does the future hold? Listen in and find out why our future is converged. (02m:30s)


Special guest

Our special guest interview for this episode is Imran Khan, the sales lead for Facebook Audience Network in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

We talk monetisation. Where it is, where we’re going and how game developers and publishers are going to be able to take advantage of the change and evolution occurring across the industry.

Whether you’re an independent developer, a growing studio, or an experienced publisher, trust us, you are not going to want to hear more about the changes and trends that are changing the way your games make money.

Future Monetisation Report

From waterfall bidding to cloud gaming, hybrid monetisation and more, we dive into Facebook Audience Network’s new Future of Monetisation Report. (13m:30s)

Events roundup

We also run down the biggest events heading your way from Steel Media, from our flagship PocketGamer Connects Digital #8 (September 27th - October 1st) and our next Big Indie Pitch for PC & console developers (September 28th), we are bringing together the brightest, best and most brilliant speakers, panellists from around the world. We combine that with ongoing opportunities to meet, network and do business with the people important to you and your company.

Show Notes


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You can find all of our recent podcasts via the podcast page on the PocketGamer website.

Thanks again for listening.