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Growing strongly, video ads now account for 35% of game UA spend on Facebook

Leading the pack
Growing strongly, video ads now account for 35% of game UA spend on Facebook

For all the discussion of new UA methods, the brutal fact is that Facebook continues to suck up the majority of mobile game marketing budgets.

After all, the social network has massive scale, great targeting and always improving tools.

That's something highlighted in ad tech outfit Nanigans' latest report on Facebook Advertising for Q1 2016.

Power of moving images

Video ads continue to grow strongly (112% year-on-year); accounting for more than 35% of gaming ad spend.

This is also reflected in increasing click-thru-rates.

For gaming, the average CTR of 0.84% is a record high, up 29% compared to Q1 2015.

Meanwhile, CPMs for game advertisers dropped 9% to $4.47 as more advertising shifted outside the expensive North American market.

You can download the entire Q1 2016 Global Facebook Advertising Benchmark Report here.