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Is Apple stopping data companies tracking Apple Arcade downloads?

App Annie and Sensor Tower shooting blanks
Is Apple stopping data companies tracking Apple Arcade downloads?

While much has been written about the high quality of Apple Arcade’s launch line up, it looks like Apple isn’t going to be transparent about downloads.

Despite having launched last week, it appears none of the usual app tracking services can provide any data about any of the games that are part of Apple Arcade.

Our research hasn’t been comprehensive, but search for some of the highest profile titles on App Annie and Sensor Tower hasn’t resulted in any hits.

Similarly, double checking through the developer’s name sees games such as Assemble With Care, Where Cards Fall and Oceanhorn 2 mysteriously absent from their respective creators’ listings.

Obscuration or worse?

Of course, this could just be a case of data providers having to integrate a new App Store service and this data will eventually filter through.

The alternative view is that as a high profile subscription service, Apple is ensuring no thirdparties can work out either Apple Arcade’s overall success or the success of individual games.

Certainly, it appears that despite Apple Arcade downloads appearing to be normal App Store downloads, there’s likely a proprietary app ID system in operation that makes it very difficult or impossible to identity unique games and track their downloads.