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PGC Helsinki Digital: Tracking your game's "K-factor" and understanding organic growth

A panel of experts discuss how UA campaigns can help your game in other ways
PGC Helsinki Digital: Tracking your game's

As part of Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki Digital, a panel of industry experts gathered to discuss the "K-factor" and how user acquisition campaigns can also fuel organic growth.

Joining moderator Mariela Tzvetanova, CMO/CBDO at Imperia Online, were:

  • Jami Wardman, director of business development and publishing at Lab Cave;
  • Mikko Kahara, CCO at Kukouri Mobile Entertainment;
  • Nimrod Klinger, head of UA at Crazy Labs, and;
  • Thomas Kriebernegg, co-founder and CEO of App Radar

Going viral

For Kahara, K-factor is determined by looking as much at organic traffic and stripping influencer traffic and marketing traffic away, and seeing how much the game grows only from this organic traffic.

"When we do UA or influencer campaigns, it's really us triggering organic growth," he noted.

Klinger noted an interesting trend in organic installs during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, which saw weekdays and weekends achieving similar numbers of downloads where companies would expect dips on certain days.

Wardman, meanwhile, said that changes to iOS coming up may cause developers to struggle to identify where their users are coming from, but also stated that virality through family and friends, even among the development team, might be an avenue to consider as people connect and share their scores simply by telling others about the game.

Kriebernegg pointed out that "app stores tend to give older games a bit more strength" in terms of app store optimisation, particularly with keywords, explaining that while the game needs to still be "alive", age of game does aid in ASO.

Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki Digital is the best of our Pocket Gamer Connects conference in an online form, with an entire week of talks, meetings, and pitch events taking place from September 14th to the 18th. You can read up on all the tracks taking place throughout the week here.