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Hot Five GDC: Lion Studio moves to merge games, Supercell expanding Clash of Clans IPs, and unusual tips from Wordle’s creator

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Hot Five GDC: Lion Studio moves to merge games, Supercell expanding Clash of Clans IPs, and unusual tips from Wordle’s creator

At GDC 2022, covered talks, panels, and sessions discussing the diversity of the mobile games industry, from the success of F2P battle passes to strategies that kept Pokemon Go going through the pandemic.

Below is a list of our most popular coverage from the event, but you can find all of our coverage of GDC 2022 through this link.

1. GDC snapshot: Lion Studios on moving to merge games

Lion Studio’s transition from hypercasual games to the casual merge game genre has led to fundamental lessons, as delivered by the company’s director of product Amy Choi.

Coming from a hypercasual background, there wasn’t too large an impact on the mentality of Lion Studio’s team during the transition to casual.

2. GDC: This year in F2P mobile games

Visible Entertainment founder Dave Rohrl and independent games design consultant Steve Meretzky presented their annual summary of 2021’s most impactful trends and developments in F2P games.

Remarks were made on how the mass of large-scale acquisitions has been joined with the slowing of changing trends typical of a maturing industry.

3. GDC: Supercell talks expanding the Clash of Clans IP

The initial rules for Clash of Clans insisted on a world bereft of evil characters, as is reflected in the original toylike look for the game.

Supercell artist John Cipriani spoke at GDC about expanding the Clash of Clans IPs, and how even more outlandish characters such as Wave Master have to strictly meet criteria.

4. GDC: Josh Wardle shares his incorrect tips for Wordle’s success

Wordle creator Josh Wardle’s talk at GDC focused on how many of his errors actually contributed towards its success.

Wardle discussed the game’s original infinite-play format, the absence of a link to the game from a shareable results page, and more.

5. GDC: Metaverse Mixer, will blockchain change the games industry forever?

Presented by and, the Metaverse Mixer saw discussions on blockchain’s potential to change the games industry.

WAX Studios, Zebedee, and Jam City considered what the metaverse will be, obstacles, and whether different metaverses will work together.