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PG Connects Speaker Spotlight: JV Chardon, HasOffers

#clones versus #originals
PG Connects Speaker Spotlight: JV Chardon, HasOffers

After taking over London at the start of 2014, Pocket Gamer Connects will make its grand return on the 16-17 June in the Nordic paradise of Helsinki.

We expect you'll be thinking of grabbing a ticket (if you haven't already).

And to give you a hint at what you can expect, we're shining the spotlight onto our speaker selection to give a deeper look at the speakers taking the stage at PG Connects.

Leaving Microsoft Advertising in 2008 to pursue various in-game advertising opportunities, JV Chardon joined Tapjoy in 2011.

Now European sales manager at MobileAppTracking by HasOffers, he helps EMEA-based game publishers making sense of their attribution data and run successful mobile acquisition campaigns.

Pocket Gamer: What has been the biggest story in mobile gaming this year?

JV Chardon: Apple allowing app developers to use IDFA for attribution purposes.

What do you think will be the biggest challenges/opportunities for the mobile game industry in 2014?

Continued growth of the app economy is both an opportunity and a challenge.

“Don't just localise your game, think of localising your acquisition strategy.”
JV Chardon

The key questions are more than ever, how to get your app noticed, installed and played over and over again?

How well do you think indie developers are doing at the moment?

As with any new and growing market, there is a lot of non-original content hitting the stores. #clones.

Those who keep innovating throughout will come out the winners and last longer. #originals

What is your advice for developers looking to make their games a hit in emerging markets?

Don't just localise your game, think of localising your acquisition strategy (e.g. use local acquisition channels)

What are you most looking forward to at Pocket Gamer Connects?

East meets West in Helsinki will probably be every interesting!

Which mobile game has made the biggest impression on you this year?

Oceanhorn  by FDG entertainment

And finally, in 140 characters describe what you think the hot topic in mobile gaming will be in the next 6 months and why that's the case.

Can indie games developers still make it, or is success reserved to already established players with more visibility and money?

Grab your tickets for Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki here! and and don't forget to keep up-to-date our with new speakers.