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Video interview: MobileAction on true data insight to discover the latest mobile games trends

MobileAction's Taha Karsli on data insight informing monetisation and iteration best practice in mobile gaming's fast-paced environment
Video interview: MobileAction on true data insight to discover the latest mobile games trends

Pocket Gamer Connects London 2022 was a rousing return to live events, with over 1,600 delegates representing more than 900 companies returning to central London to celebrate the global mobile games industry, network and benefit from our collective expertise, and finally share in each others' company after so long.

PG Connects was also the perfect opportunity to sit down with some of the most influential people in the industry and get their thoughts on the critical topics on everyone's minds.

Taha Karsli, growth and partnerships manager at MobileAction, speaks to James Gilmour on the increased customer demand on data and monetisation strategy, finding the true value to analysis, and the importance of iteration and experimentation.


You can see all of's coverage of Pocket Gamer Connects London 2022 through this link, and we are raring to go with the next Pocket Gamer Connects event in Seattle on May 9-10 – tickets are now available – and more Connects in Toronto, Helsinki, and Jordan throughout the year, and we hope you’ll join us there too.