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PGC Digital: IDFA effect on UA performance

Four industry pros explain the effects of changes in privacy and ways to adapt
PGC Digital: IDFA effect on UA performance

Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8 has begun and to start we are taking a deep dive into the effect of IDFA and UA performance, as well as the new avenues for greater App Store optimisation.

AppFollow head of consulting Anna Kochetkova led the panel, asking all of the questions on our minds.

Kochetkova kicked off the discussion with Apple’s App Tracking Transparency, which allows users to opt-out of data tracking, and how it has caused a huge resonance in the industry.

Kochetkova mentions that many responsibilities of UA managers have shifted onto analytics teams. She suggests that before UA managers could aim with sniper precision to strike, but now they are armed with a shotgun and cannot make as accurate an analysis as before.

Ever-shifting landscape

AppsFlyer senior partner development manager Idan Horenczyk suggested that the mobile ecosystem is an "ever-shifting landscape" that has evolved significantly within the last three years.

Horenczyk said that the change of pace has accelerated massively, especially due to changes in privacy, however, despite the changes he believes the mobile games industry is still booming.

Horenczyk added that iOS 14.5 and onwards are new changes that the industry will successfully adapt to and overcome. Horenczyk stated that contrary to common conception, since the implementation of Apple’s App Tracking Transparency overall spending in apps has risen by 8 per cent, with a 23 per cent increase in the US alone.

Horenczyk stated that AppsFlyer’s Conversion Studio to gain deeper insight and master Apple’s privacy-centric API SKAdNetwork, such as allowing advertisers to measure post-install KPIs.

AppQuantum UA growth manager Alexey Gavrilov stated that after the update to iOS 14.5 they shifted to focus on Android and focus on probabilistic attribution source networks, specifically Conversion Tool.

Gavrilov said that it provided a deeper dive into analytics and keep the same spend or increase spending.

Gavrilov added that by using landing pages it allows the acquisition of users, which AppQuantum could track using Conversion Tool’s deep linking. Gavrilov stated that day three to seven metrics are much higher with certain genres, such as RPGs, but that by using day zero metrics you can predict and develop prediction volume.

Privacy is paramount

Helio games executive director Pavel Naumenko suggests that those who choose to opt-out of tracking are typically users with more money and have a higher payment capacity.

Naumenko added that for non-consenting players, there are many other factors that need to be monitored, such as location. By adding new metrics on a regular basis studios can get a deeper insight and in doing so can "refresh and restart".

Naumenko stated that Helio Games has seen an increase in users on iOS through this approach and that he recommends it to developers who cannot use larger industry solutions.

Naumenko believes that the digital privacy trend is very strong and is likely to continue for the next few years. He expects that Google will soon follow suit and provide an option for users similar to Apple’s ATT.

Horenczyk expanded on Naumenko's predictions and stated that once Google starts then they should involve as many people from the ecosystem to hear concerns as transparency is a key factor to make these changes. He adds that a privacy-centric approach can help brands correctly allocate budgets by providing an aggregated view of their activities.

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