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Mistwalker's Terra Battle scores big on the Google Play top grossing charts in Japan, France and Spain

But iPhone players don't care
Mistwalker's Terra Battle scores big on the Google Play top grossing charts in Japan, France and Spain

Mistwalker's free-to-play RPG Terra Battle, designed by Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, has been making the headlines for all the right reasons recently.

The game has been available for just over a month, but has already been downloaded more than 1 million times. 

Of course, downloads don't necessarily mean the game has been raking in the cash, which is why, in this week's Charticle, we'll be focusing on the title's performances on the iPhone and Google Play top grossing charts. 

Chart battle

On the US top grossing chart for iPhone, Terra Battle has only flirted with success. After launching the game quickly rose into the top 150, peaking at #111.

Unfortunately, the game couldn't capitalise on that promising start, and has rarely troubled the top #200 in its first month on the chart.

<em>Terra Battle</em> has been inconsistent on the US iPhone top grossing chart
Terra Battle has been inconsistent on the US iPhone top grossing chart

But on the Google Play US top grossing charts, things are better.

The game quickly entered the top 100 upon launch, peaking at #83, and even though it couldn't quite find a permanent position in the promised land, it hasn't strayed far.

<em>Terra Battle's</em> performance on US Google Play top grossing chart has been better than iPhone
Terra Battle's performance on US Google Play top grossing chart has been better than iPhone

European connection

Terra Battle's showing on the European iPhone charts - which, due to a lack of data from Italy, this week look at France, Germany, Spain, and the UK - is mixed.

The game has flourished in France: peaking at #22 after nailing down a position inside the top 100.

It has also been flying high in Spain and the UK, where it rose to #14 and #59 respectively, although performances in those regions lack any sort of stability.

In Germany the game has largely been anonymous, and only just manged to scrape into the top 250. 

<em>Terra Battle's</em> IPhone top grossing performances in Europe are better than in the US, but still leave a lot to be desired
Terra Battle's IPhone top grossing performances in Europe are better than in the US, but still leave a lot to be desired

Once again, it's a simpler situation on the Google Play top grossing charts, with the game looking stable in the top 250 in all 4 regions.

Like its iOS counterpart, Terra Battle has found fame and fortune in France and Spain.

Mistwalker's title looks comfortable inside the top 100 in both of those countries, and peak positions of #23 in France, and #46 in Spain are a testament to that success.

<em>Terra Battle</em> has performed well in terms of its top grossing position for Google Play in Europe, especially in Spain and France
Terra Battle has performed well in terms of its top grossing position for Google Play in Europe, especially in Spain and France

Introducing Japanada

In a change of pace, our final charts this week will focus on Canada and Japan - which I fondly refer to as Japanada - because, these are other countries where the game has been released; it's not globally available yet. 

In Canada, the game has failed to find an audience on iPhone - falling out of the top 250 days after launch.

But in Japan, Terra Battle shot straight into the top 50 and hasn't fallen out since. Now that it's found its feet, the game, which peaked at #13, will now surely be gunning for a spot in the top 10.

Despite succcess in Japan, on iPhone <em>Terra Battle</em> couldn't make it work in Canada
Despite succcess in Japan, on iPhone Terra Battle couldn't make it work in Canada

As you're all now surely expecting, Terra Battle does indeed make amends for its poor Canadian performance on iPhone when it comes to the Google Play top grossing charts.

This time the game flourished in Canada, cementing a place in the top 100 with ease, and peaking at #36.

It's a similar story in Japan as well, where Terra Battle has again spent all of its days inside the Google Play top 50, peaking #20.

<em>Terra Battle</em> has performed well in Canada and Japan on the Google Play top grossing chart
Terra Battle has performed well in Canada and Japan on the Google Play top grossing chart