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43% of US developers already working on HTML5 projects, reports Evans Data

Beats out Flash and Silverlight
43% of US developers already working on HTML5 projects, reports Evans Data

After masses of hype and a fight for support, the next 12 or more months will see HTML5 bed down as a stable standard for developers, and a legitimate platform for consumers.

At least, that's what its supporters are keen to suggest, with Adobe's recent decision to make HTML5 its focus moving forward adding weight to their stance.

Numbers taken from a survey of more than 1,200 developers also suggests such faith isn't misplaced.

Global gains

According to market research company Evans Data's poll, current support from studios for HTML5 is already fairly solid: 43 percent of developers questioned in North America are already working with the platform, with 39 percent of outfits across Europe, the Middle-East and Africa also already behind it.

Top dog, however, is the Asia-Pacific region, where 58 percent are already developing HTML5 titles.

Evans Data claims, when planned use is added to the worldwide average, the share of studios either working on HTML5 already or looking to in the future tops three-quarters.

All about standards

"There isn't any question about the adoption of HTML5 - it's already the de facto standard," said CEO Janel Garvin.

"There is special strength in HTML5 for mobile and cross-platform mobile apps, which is the direction the industry is moving for client devices, and that has made it extremely attractive to developers everywhere in the world. We see the most strength in Asia, a region that is generally quick to adopt new technologies."

Evans Data claims such a figure means HTML5 has now garnered more support than both Flash or Silverlight.

The release of the report, however, comes as one of HTML5's early backers - Moblyng - was forced to close its doors after the firm claimed it couldn't monetise its properties on the platform.

Further findings can be sampled on Evans Data's website, post registration.

[source: PRWeb]