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Outgunned by Google, iOS' US market share fell 8% in 2011, reckons Millennial Media

Android wave rolls on
Outgunned by Google, iOS' US market share fell 8% in 2011, reckons Millennial Media

Regular readers of Millennial's monthly reports assessing the state of play in the US smartphone market will know, 2011 was the year iOS and Android traded places.

The firm's summary of the year naturally draws the same conclusions as the monthly ones, with Google's rise to the top Android's share on Millennial's mobile ad network jumping from 30 percent in 2010 to 47 percent in 2011 resulting in a loss of share for Apple.

Tough at the top

Indeed, such is the rate of growth of the smartphone market, that Apple's share actually retracted by 8 percent according to Millennial, despite the record sales that greeted the launch of iPhone 4S.

Despite this decline, Apple still remains comfortably ahead of the rest of the field, according to Millennial, holding a 33 percent share of the smartphone mix.

Its nearest rival, BlackBerry, also fell back from 18 percent in 2010 to 16 percent in 2011, though as Millennial's recent monthly reports attest RIM actually enjoyed a minor recovery towards the end of the year.

Immovable iPhone

In terms of manufacturers, Apple's market leading share actually remained relatively consistent iPhone accounting for 26.35 percent of all handsets in 2011, down only slightly from its 26.65 percent share in the previous year.

In fact, the only big mover in 2011 was HTC, which jumped from fifth place in 2010 to third spot in 2011, its share almost doubling to 14.11 percent in the process.

Platforms and OEMs aside, Millennial's numbers suggest games as a whole grew 16 percent across all marketplaces in 2011 Rovio and Zynga cited as the main benefactors.

You can read Millennial's Mobile Mix 2011 report in full over on the firm's website.