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Panzerdog raises $950,000 from Mail.Ru to launch mobile shooter Tacticool

Finnish/Russian dev closes seed round
Panzerdog raises $950,000 from Mail.Ru to launch mobile shooter Tacticool
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Sep 19, 2017 investment Mail.Ru Mail.Ru Games Panzerdog $1m

Finnish/Russian startup Panzerdog has announced it’s closed a $950,000 (€800,000) seed investment round.

The investment was the first from Mail.Ru Group’s Game Ventures, which has a potential $100 million for funding worldwide game development.

As well as the cash, Mail.Ru will provide access to its internal resources and game distribution services.

The round follows on from Panzerdog’s pre-seed raise from Finnish outfit Aii Capital, which the family investment vehicle of Finnish tech entrepreneur Pekka Viljakainen.

Big bangs

Headquartered in Helsinki, with offices in Kaliningrad and Tomsk, Russia, Panzerdog is currently working on its debut mobile title, 5v5 physics-based thirdperson/vehicle shooter Tacticool.

The investment will be used to complete the game’s development. It’s currently in a beta testing with a planned release date for iOS and Android in November 2017.

“Our division has considered about 500 applications and is glad to establish an agreement with Panzerdog,” said Ilya Karpinsky, Director of Mail.Ru Games Ventures.

“This experienced team is developing a promising shooter. We believe that both Mail.Ru Group and Panzerdog will benefit from this partnership.”


“We are proud to be the first partner of MRGV. This cooperation will help us introduce high-quality game with new experience for competitive action gamers on mobile,” added Panzerdog’s CEO Alexey Sazonov.

You can find out more about the game and sign up for the beta here